The password is one of the most essential elements in cybersecurity. If you choose a sufficiently complex one with lowercase letters, numbers, uppercase letters and special characters, the hackers' task is much more complicated.
One would have thought that business leaders are a little more aware of these subjects, but that is obviously not the case. In any case, this is what emerges from a study carried out by Nordpass on this issue. NordPass is the password manager service of the European group NordSecurity, which also owns the VPN brand NordVPN.
The password is one of the most essential elements in cybersecurity. If you choose a sufficiently complex one with lowercase letters, numbers, uppercase letters and special characters, the hackers' task is much more complicated.
One would have thought that business leaders are a little more aware of these subjects, but that is obviously not the case. In any case, this is what emerges from a study carried out by Nordpass on this issue. NordPass is the password manager service of the European group NordSecurity, which also owns the VPN brand NordVPN.
The most used passwords in France are very easy to find
The investigation conducted by independent researchers focused on a considerable volume of data breaches: 290 million. In this mass, the experts then focused on CEOs, managers, and business owners.
One thing is obvious: they are not really more careful than their employees in this area. As far as CEOs are concerned, the most used passwords are: 123456, password, 12345. The situation is essentially the same for business owners: 123456, password, 123456789. The podium is identical for managers and lower level managers.
Finally, this study is not really made to surprise us and it confirms the almost generalized neglect at all levels of society. Thus, with regard to France and according to a recent research carried out by ExpressVPN, it is the password “azerty” which is the most popular, while “doudou” has made a remarkable and very unreassuring entry in this ranking.
Faced with the obvious risks of piracy, it is therefore necessary to change these dangerous practices. Multi-factor authentication is already a first step that can prevent hackers from recovering your account. But the use of a suitable password manager is also strongly recommended. You can find our very complete guide on the different offers in order to see more clearly and make the right choice.