Patent translation: a shift that companies should not miss

Patents are complex and essential legal documents for companies in all fields: they allow rights to be reused and inventions to be commercialized, often as a result of extensive research and development efforts. The technical formulations of these documents are extremely complex to master, and require the services of experienced human translators.

According to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), global patent filings have increased steadily over the past eight years. In 2017, this UN agency reports that 3,168,900 patents have been filed worldwide, not counting the 1.7 million industrial designs filed. Recent technological developments, in particular the Internet of Things, 5G, or semiconductors - to name but a few - are driving this phenomenon worldwide, and these patents protect companies and creators around the world.

Who should be entrusted with such a delicate task as patent translation?

Whether a company is called Huawei, Qualcomm, Sony, or a more confidential French Tech start-up, patents are vital. They must also be protected at the international level, or at least in several legal areas. This means, in practice, that it is necessary to translate them. However, patents have legal consequences and their formulation requires extreme precision and sensitivity.

For an idea to be protected in the same way in two different countries, the application must, among other things, include detailed documentation in the target language and follow certain rules that may vary from one country to another. In other words, translating a patent is not easy, and the task cannot be entrusted to an inexperienced translator on the subject, at the risk for the client company of losing a competitive advantage that is often decisive in the long run in order to expand internationally.

Global Voices offers technical translation services with professionals specialized in new technologies. In addition to its translation services, the company offers localization and adaptation services. The translators have the necessary sectoral language with at least 5 years of experience in the field.

Global Voices' translations comply with ISO 9001:2015 certification. This includes customer satisfaction, service efficiency and the European quality standard NF EN-15038, which requires Global Voices to guarantee the quality of the translation through the competence of its translators and proofreading by a third party.

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