A YouTuber ‘bathing in bleach' and ends up in the hospital

To make the buzz, a 19-year-old YouTuber decided to film himself taking a bath of bleach. Now suppressed from its Youtube channel, the video has provoked an outraged reaction among internet users.

A YouTuber ‘bathing in bleach' and ends up in the hospital

"It's the dumbest thing I've ever done," says Carmie Sanchez, a British YouTuber better known under the pseudonym of Touchdalight. Since 2012, the young man is content to tell his private life to his 400,000 Youtube subscribers.

This time he decided to do the buzz. In the video, always visible on his Twitter account, he is seen buying several bottles of bleach in a supermarket. When he returned home, he emptied the contents of the bottles into his bathtub and immersed himself in it: he even plunged his face into it.

Only dressed in shorts and socks, Carmie Sanchez lies completely in the bathtub. The effects of this bath are quickly felt: burns, itching, pain... Very toxic, bleach can also cause severe respiratory problems.

Just after shooting the video, his sister (who held the camera throughout the sequence) decides to take Carmie to the hospital. Viewed more than 316 000 times in 15 hours, the video quickly triggered the anger and misunderstanding of internet users.

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