When you talk about disinformation on social networks, you immediately think about Facebook and Twitter. But with its 1.8 billion active users per month, YouTube is also a privileged target for disinformation content and conspiracy theories.
Google's streaming platform announces a few steps to improve the consumption of topical content on its application.
When you are looking for info on YouTube, sometimes you do not fall on reliable sources, because the production of an information video takes longer than an article for the media.
and in order to fill this void (and avoid you fall on a fake news), YouTube will now be able to highlight links of articles on the search for its application.
Here is the announcement of the company: " after a last minute event, it takes time to verify, produce and publish high quality videos. Journalists often write articles first to release the news rather than produce videos. That is why, in the coming weeks in the United States, we will begin to provide a brief overview of the press articles in the YouTube search results that refer to the full article during the first hours of a major event, in Recalling that the info can change quickly. "
As far as conspiracy theories are concerned, YouTube will now display links to Wikipedia articles or the Encyclopædia Britannica alongside some videos. According to YouTube, it is a "small number of well-established historical and scientific subjects that have often been misinformed, such as the landing and bombardment of Oklahoma City."