WHATSAPP: We will be able to do everything since the notifications

WABetaInfo, which scans all the new features brought to WhatsApp by rummaging through the latest beta versions of the application, has made a new find. The possibilities of interaction between the app and the notification bar on Android will be extended, including the arrival of an option "mark as read" In addition to "reply", allowing to delete the Notif on the smartphone but also directly into the application without needing to enter it and then access the discussion. Very convenient for users who have to handle many conversations.

Another novelty to come spotted by the site, the possibility to silence a cat, there again directly from the notifications. Still an important addition for users who are part of chat groups far too talkative. This can be really annoying when hundreds of messages are sent as a result of being systematically warned. So we'll have a quick and easy way to get rid of it.

The Instant messaging app continues to evolve and fill up with features. WHATSAPP now indicates when a message was forwarded for example. In group discussions, admins can prevent other members of the group from talking. And WHATSAPP is going to alert us when we get a suspicious link. We are now expecting even more opportunities to interact with WhatsApp without the need to enter the app.

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