RGPD: Apple launches a portal to control your data

Although it is not as greedy in personal data as Facebook or Google, Apple is also concerned with the RGPD. And a few days after the entry into force of the General Regulations on data protection, the company of Cupertino launches a portal dedicated to confidentiality.

Once on the page, you connect with your Apple ID, and you will be able to manage the data that Apple has on you. The page allows to obtain a copy of this data, to correct the information, but also to disable or delete the account.

These new controls on personal data are currently available in "The European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland". But the Cupertino firm intends to offer the same functionality all over the world, in a few months.

So, like Microsoft and Facebook, Apple therefore intends to offer the same controls on personal data to its users in the world, instead of favouring users who are in the European Union (where really applies the RGPD). This is important because by adopting the RGPD for the rest of the world, these large companies are helping to make this Regulation a global standard.

Otherwise, in addition to these new controls, Apple also evokes more transparency regarding the use of customer data. « Apple products now include new and updated privacy statements that make it easier than ever to understand how Apple will use your personal information, explains Apple . "We show you these instructions before you connect with your Apple ID or activate new features that use your data."

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