Porsche launches a multi-platform mobile application that allows you to quickly find a charging station and connect to it regardless of the operator and the brand of the vehicle.
Porsche continues its digitalisation at the no load, and the German manufacturer's announcements follow in this field at a steady pace.
The luxury sports brand has just announced the launch of an innovative charging service for electric and rechargeable vehicles: with the Porsche charging service, the sports car manufacturer now offers a digital platform that encompasses all aspects of the charging process. The service searches for appropriate reload stations and uses centrally stored data to process the payment process – across several countries and currencies. The free mobile application and the Porsche navigation system direct the customer to the selected loading station.
According to Detlev von Plateen, member of the Directorate General responsible for sales and marketing at Porsche AG. With the Porsche charging Service, we offer our customers a central digital platform that simplifies all aspects of the charging process. As a result, it is even easier to integrate the load into everyday life. »
Information on the location and availability of charging stations, as well as the cost of recharging a vehicle, are available in real time via the application. On the charging cradle, the user identifies himself using a QR code via the application or with his "Porsche ID card", which the user receives free of charge after registering for the service.
A service that is not only for Porsche owners
The recharge service is currently available in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium and Finland. The service will be gradually extended to other countries from the end of 2018. In Germany, the use of the Porsche charging Service costs € 2.50, 000 per month. To this are added the charge charges, which depend on the operator and the amount of electricity used to load the vehicle
The application is available on all mobile devices equipped with an IOS or Android operating system and can be downloaded right now. The service is in principle open to all drivers of hybrid or electric vehicles. Its use is therefore not limited to Porsche vehicles.
To register, it is here: Www.porsche.com/connect-store. A tip: If you want to see what it looks like, as the service is not yet available in France, on the home page, select Europe and then a country in which it is available, such as Germany for example.