Instagram: Public profiles can now delete their followers

Instagram has started to test more widely the ability to manually delete followers in a few clicks. This new feature only concern public account since it was already possible for private accounts to manually delete one or more follower (s) from its list.

Last May, Instagram announced the setting up of "Mute" to further manage its "feed". Now Instagram goes further and offers a new feature.

The first echoes of this new feature "Remove follower" have appeared over the last few weeks, especially on Twitter. A spokesperson was able to confirm to our American colleagues at the verge this testing phase, but refused to provide more details about a possible global deployment.

If your Instagram account is public, there is no way to prevent people from looking at your profile. On the other hand and recently, Instagram at least tries to give users more direct control over their own list of followers. Only some social network users who connect via Android benefit from this feature. To check if you are a holder, go to your profile, click on the "Followers" section, then you should see an icon with three vertical dots at the far right of a user's name. By tapping this button you will see if you have the option to delete someone.

Those deleted will no longer see your activities on the social network. However, they will be able to comment on your activities and photos by visiting directly on your profile after searching for it. The person removed from your list of followers is not informed.

Users with a private account have long been able to remove followers and immediately cut access to their own content. If your Instagram account is private, all you have to do is go to your profile, get into the "followers" category and click the [...] button next to the person you want to delete from your followers, and then click "Delete".

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