Google Fuchsia will replace Android within 5 years

Fuchsia, the new OS on which Google works, will indeed replace Android eventually. The Mountain View Company wants a universal operating system available on all devices: smartphone, PC or connected speaker. Google is dedicating large means to the development of Fuchsia, which should start appearing within 5 years.

Bloomberg just released a little bomb. The news agency was able to retrieve new information about Google Fuchsia, the OS that must bury Android and Chrome OS. More than 100 engineers are currently working on the project. Bloomberg tells us that the Mountain View Company's ambition is to offer a unique operating system for all platforms and replace all existing solutions. We should start seeing him appear within five years.

At first, it's all the Google environment that will benefit: smartphones, computers Pixelbook, even the Google Home are entitled to Google Fuchsia. The connected enclosure could even become the first device to benefit from it. The OS could then be invited on third party manufacturers ' products. Eventually, Fuchsia should replace definitely Android.

With Fuchsia, Google wants to develop a better tool to compete with IOS. According to the report, Apple's operating system is considered within Google itself as being more efficient and more secure than Android, hence this willingness to rectify the shooting. The integration between the various services and platforms of Google can also be improved, and also in this optic that is developed Fuchsia. Last point, updates. Apple was trolling Android and its bad distribution during the keynote dedicated to IOS 12, Google also has ambitions to rectify the shot from this point of view.

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