A Web service to easily share audio files

Clyp.it is a convenient online application that allows easy recording and sharing of audio files and recordings from any device with an Internet connection.

There are two options available to you:
-The upload of an audio file from your device
-Live audio recording on Clyp.it

To do this, simply click on the yellow button "Upload a Clyp ": You can then drag and drop your audio file to the tool window. But if you prefer to register live, then click on the button "Record ".

A Web service to easily share audio files

In both cases, you must save your project by giving it a name and a description (optional). Clyp.it will then offer you a page displaying the audio waveform recording with the links that go well to share them on a forum, a site or on social networks.

Attention, the recording will remain online only 24 hours, unless you create an account on Clyp.it. The formats accepted by this service are: MP3, OGG, M4A, WAV, AIFF, AIF and 3GP.

There is a size limit for the audio files transferred to Clyp.it: 250 MB for a Premium account, 100 MB for a Basic account and 20 MB for the non-registration version.

LINK: Clyp.it

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