How to manage memory and applications well with Android?

On mobile, memory is one of the key points of the daily use experience. When you download an application or other content on Android, this inevitably takes up space on your Android. For some devices, the management of memory space is a real ordeal. So we decided to wishes explain how to better manage memory and applications with Android.

How to manage the memory of Android applications well?

the mobile or tablet, whatever the name or version of your operating system, the interface, your operating system necessarily needs to allocate a space of memory to be functional. Without this, you can forget the very idea of a mobile.

Whether it is an Asus mobile, Huawei, HTC, LG, Samsung, Sony, ZTE or others, you must assume that there will always be memory space occupied by the version of Android installed. Take the example of a user who wants to buy the latest Huawei P20 Pro with 128 GB of memory, this one will have only about 118 GB of free space. What for? Because, the Android operating system and all the additions of the builder occupy the memory space.

Here is the amount of memory available per slice:
  • On an Android smartphone with 16GB, you can access on average 7 to 12 GB
  • On an Android smartphone with 32 GB, you have an average access to 22 to 27 GB
  • On an Android smartphone with 64 GB, you have an average access to 54 to 59 GB
  • On an Android smartphone with 128 GB, you have an average access to 118 to 123 GB
Note:  "access to " tells you approximately the available storage space depending on the amount of onboard memory. Once again, the give can change from one manufacturer to another, and be more or less important.

 checking the remaining memory space in your smartphone or tablet is not a complicated task. To do this, you need to open the Android settings and go to the "Storage and Memory " section. This will tell you how much memory is used by the data for this or that, in each topic.

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