If you have a blog, it is possible to generate revenue through this one. Although living from his blog is not given to everyone and requires an investment in significant time, earning money with his blog is a totally realistic option.
if you want above all to share your passion and incidentally make you some money, several options are available to you to monetize your blog or website.
The most obvious way to make money with his blog is to put banner ads. You will then be paid based on the number of clicks on the advertisement. For maximum performance, it is advisable to choose ads type images and place them at the top of the page. If you have a fairly targeted blog, you can also contact brands directly to better choose your advertising partners. If not, you can offer the sale of your advertising space via an advertising authority. A solution especially suited to big blogs.
You can also monetize your blog by placing links to shops on your site, the most common being Amazon links. Be sure to have a link to the topic of the blog, this will be the case if you speak spontaneously of a product and you decide to request an affiliation with the brand in question. You can go through an affiliate platform like Affili.net or even contact the brands directly.
You can also monetize your blog by placing links to shops on your site, the most common being Amazon links. Be sure to have a link to the topic of the blog, this will be the case if you speak spontaneously of a product and you decide to request an affiliation with the brand in question. You can go through an affiliate platform like Affili.net or even contact the brands directly.
Sell your own products and SERVICES
It is through this that professional bloggers generate most of their income. The blog is then a platform offering visibility to their work. You can sell high value-added items, ebooks, trainings, products via an online store or know-how (e.g. blogging or community management qualities). The blog allows you to gain credibility in the sector and to open up professional opportunities. Some bloggers also offer users the opportunity to donate via PayPal, which allows you to reward a highly qualitative blog and help it launch. The account is usually removed when the blog has reached some financial success, to leave the chance to other newbie bloggers
and to support all of this, traffic
The methods below require to have traffic on his blog and increase his audience. For this, one can improve its referencing (use relevant keywords, improve the speed of loading), set up a newsletter and of course write good Articles with added value for the reader and at a rather regular pace.